Sunday, 6 June 2010

Hyde Park Horses.

Even though she hasn't blogged about in a while, Traveller is still running.

She's actually preparing herself for another half-marathon.
{silly girl}

Having run miles and miles through London, T is almost unaffected by the iconic landscape. She can run through Regent's Park without a second glance at the beautiful swans. She can do hill runs up Primrose and barely look at St. Pauls or the London Eye in the distance. And she can run through Hyde Park without noticing the Wellington Arch or Kensington Palace.

However, when running with RF in Hyde Park on Saturday, T came across a multitude of horses with riders in the official royal uniform. Instantly, T's breath was taken away. They were such an intensely beautiful sight.

Wishing she had a camera and wondering along with RF if the Queen was in tow, Traveller's daze was broken by another runner in front of her.

The runner {whilst still running at quite an admirable pace} proceeded to yell obscenities at the poor unsuspecting horses and in between the various types of colourful language, words like 'tax payers' money' and 'waste' were heard at full volume.

In London there will forever be a juxtaposition between the fairytale and the reality.

It was still pretty, though.


green ink said...

I saw the royal horse parade too - I was walking through St James's Park trying to get over the Mall into Piccadilly and ended up stuck on one side of the road, so made the best of it and watched! Love how the rituals and traditions are kept so alive here. It was beautiful to watch, everything so precise and hypnotic. There was a whole orchestra on horseback, that led the way for the Prince of Wales, apparently (I barely recognised him!).

Traveller said...

I didn't even realise it was the royal horse parade! Oops :) Sounds like it would have been beautiful! I love the traditions, too.

E said...

They got rid of the mounted policeman in Boston just before I moved into the city...I was very sad about it. There's something very romantic about a galloping horseman.

Maki said...

I love horses - they are such gorgeous creatures...

Good luck with your half marathon - and can't wait to read more about your journey:)

Trissa said...

Why can't people just appreciate something beautiful once in a while... these things make my blood boil. Good luck on the .5 marathon!

The Childlike Empress said...



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