Tuesday 16 August 2011



Needless to say, Greece lived up to its expectations without question.

The islands were picturesque, the food was delicious, the temperatures were reaching 40 degrees Celsius (but mostly manageable!) and the water was extraordinary. Never has Traveller floated so easily (got to love all the salt in the Mediterranean) and seen so far to the bottom. We docked in one bay around the island of Symi and it was thirty metres deep - unbelievably, we could see all the way to the bottom.

T had a lovely travelling partner and couldn't have hoped for a more wonderful trip.

It's a little hard to be in grey, chilly London with only a tan as evidence that somewhere it is summer...




1 comment:

Kaley [Y Mucho Más] said...

Your pictures are awe-inspiring. I would love, love, love to go to Greece someday.


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